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El Autor/a
Hester, Helen
Helen Hester (Regne Unit, 1983) és professora associada de Mitjans i comunicació a la Universitat de West London. La seva recerca inclou les tecnologies digitals, les polítiques reproductives i el futur del treball.
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El Autor/a
Srnicek, Nick
Canadá, 1982. Es profesor de Economía Digital del Departamento de Humanidades Digitales de King's College en Londres. Doctorado en Relaciones Internacionales, fue editor de Millennium: Journal of International Studies. Sus investigaciones están basadas en la interacción de la economía política y la tecnología, y se encargan de analizar tanto las amenazas como las oportunidades que surgen de esa relación. Es coautor del Manifiesto Aceleracionista junto con Alex Williams, que tuvo una gran repercusión mundial y fue traducido a varias lenguas, con quien también publicó Inventar el futuro. Poscapitalismo y un mundo sin trabajo.
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After Work "The Fight for Free Time"
After Work "The Fight for Free Time"
Hester, Helen
Srnicek, Nick
After Work "The Fight for Free Time"
After Work "The Fight for Free Time"
Hester, Helen
Srnicek, Nick

For a feminist post-work politics

When we think about work, we still tend to think about offices and factories. Missing from the picture are hospitals and homes the places where care work takes place. We hear often about the crisis of work precarious jobs, zero-hours contracts, outsourcing and automation but thinking about work through the lens of care gives these problems a whole new perspective.

In this groundbreaking work, Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek argue that not only is there a crisis of work, there is also a crisis of reproduction: an ageing population means increasing dependency ratio; years of austerity measures have cut back on welfare, education and health care; and fewer people are available to do unpaid house work and child care as more women are in the workforce. The good news is that it is a crisis that can and should be tackled. But only by completely rethinking the way we organise our living arrangements and organise care work, while remaining open to the automation of work done in the home.

After Work is a crucial intervention into the debates about the future of work, extending its attention beyond paid jobs, to the impact of domestic work upon familial relationships, social bonds, and our very conceptions of domestic space.
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Editorial: Verso Books
ISBN: 978-1-78663-307-1
Idioma: Inglés
Medidas cm: 14.8 x 21.7
Páginas: 288
Estado: Disponible
Fecha de edición: 03-08-2023
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